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Command Line Interface

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The Tauri command line interface (CLI) is the way to interact with Tauri throughout the development lifecycle.

You can add the Tauri CLI to your current project using your package manager of choice:

npm install --save-dev @tauri-apps/cli@next

List of Commands

initInitialize a Tauri project in an existing directory
devRun your app in development mode
buildBuild your app in release mode and generate bundles and installers
bundleGenerate bundles and installers for your app (already built by tauri build)
androidAndroid commands
android initInitialize Android target in the project
android devRun your app in development mode on Android
android buildBuild your app in release mode for Android and generate APKs and AABs
migrateMigrate from v1 to v2
infoShow a concise list of information about the environment, Rust, Node.js and their versions as well as a few relevant project configurations
addAdd a tauri plugin to the project
pluginManage or create Tauri plugins
plugin newInitializes a new Tauri plugin project
plugin initInitialize a Tauri plugin project on an existing directory
plugin androidManage the Android project for a Tauri plugin
plugin iosManage the iOS project for a Tauri plugin
plugin android initInitializes the Android project for an existing Tauri plugin
plugin ios initInitializes the iOS project for an existing Tauri plugin
iconGenerate various icons for all major platforms
signerGenerate signing keys for Tauri updater or sign files
signer signSign a file
signer generateGenerate a new signing key to sign files
completionsGenerate Tauri CLI shell completions for Bash, Zsh, PowerShell or Fish
permissionManage or create permissions for your app or plugin
permission newCreate a new permission file
permission addAdd a permission to capabilities
permission rmRemove a permission file, and its reference from any capability
permission lsList permissions available to your application
capabilityManage or create capabilities for your app
capability newCreate a new permission file
inspectManage or create permissions for your app or plugin
inspect wix-upgrade-codePrint the default Upgrade Code used by MSI installer derived from productName


npm run tauri init
Initialize a Tauri project in an existing directory
Usage: tauri init [OPTIONS]
Skip prompting for values [env: CI=true]
-v, --verbose...
Enables verbose logging
-f, --force
Force init to overwrite the src-tauri folder
-l, --log
Enables logging
-d, --directory <DIRECTORY>
Set target directory for init [default: /opt/build/repo/packages/cli-generator]
-t, --tauri-path <TAURI_PATH>
Path of the Tauri project to use (relative to the cwd)
-A, --app-name <APP_NAME>
Name of your Tauri application
-W, --window-title <WINDOW_TITLE>
Window title of your Tauri application
-D, --frontend-dist <FRONTEND_DIST>
Web assets location, relative to <project-dir>/src-tauri
-P, --dev-url <DEV_URL>
Url of your dev server
--before-dev-command <BEFORE_DEV_COMMAND>
A shell command to run before `tauri dev` kicks in
--before-build-command <BEFORE_BUILD_COMMAND>
A shell command to run before `tauri build` kicks in
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version


npm run tauri dev
Run your app in development mode with hot-reloading for the Rust code. It makes use of the `build.devUrl` property from your `tauri.conf.json` file. It also runs your `build.beforeDevCommand` which usually starts your frontend devServer.
Usage: tauri dev [OPTIONS] [ARGS]...
Command line arguments passed to the runner. Use `--` to explicitly mark the start of the arguments. Arguments after a second `--` are passed to the application e.g. `tauri dev -- [runnerArgs] -- [appArgs]`
-r, --runner <RUNNER>
Binary to use to run the application
-v, --verbose...
Enables verbose logging
-t, --target <TARGET>
Target triple to build against
-f, --features [<FEATURES>...]
List of cargo features to activate
-e, --exit-on-panic
Exit on panic
-c, --config <CONFIG>
JSON string or path to JSON file to merge with tauri.conf.json
Run the code in release mode
Skip waiting for the frontend dev server to start before building the tauri application
Disable the file watcher
Disable the built-in dev server for static files
--port <PORT>
Specify port for the built-in dev server for static files. Defaults to 1430
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version


npm run tauri build
Build your app in release mode and generate bundles and installers. It makes use of the `build.frontendDist` property from your `tauri.conf.json` file. It also runs your `build.beforeBuildCommand` which usually builds your frontend into `build.frontendDist`. This will also run `build.beforeBundleCommand` before generating the bundles and installers of your app.
Usage: tauri build [OPTIONS] [ARGS]...
Command line arguments passed to the runner. Use `--` to explicitly mark the start of the arguments
-r, --runner <RUNNER>
Binary to use to build the application, defaults to `cargo`
-v, --verbose...
Enables verbose logging
-d, --debug
Builds with the debug flag
-t, --target <TARGET>
Target triple to build against.
It must be one of the values outputted by `$rustc --print target-list` or `universal-apple-darwin` for an universal macOS application.
Note that compiling an universal macOS application requires both `aarch64-apple-darwin` and `x86_64-apple-darwin` targets to be installed.
-f, --features [<FEATURES>...]
Space or comma separated list of features to activate
-b, --bundles [<BUNDLES>...]
Space or comma separated list of bundles to package.
Note that the `updater` bundle is not automatically added so you must specify it if the updater is enabled.
[possible values: deb, rpm, appimage, updater]
Skip the bundling step even if `bundle > active` is `true` in tauri config
-c, --config <CONFIG>
JSON string or path to JSON file to merge with tauri.conf.json
Skip prompting for values
[env: CI=true]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version


npm run tauri bundle
Generate bundles and installers for your app (already built by `tauri build`). This run `build.beforeBundleCommand` before generating the bundles and installers of your app.
Usage: tauri bundle [OPTIONS]
-d, --debug
Builds with the debug flag
-v, --verbose...
Enables verbose logging
-b, --bundles [<BUNDLES>...]
Space or comma separated list of bundles to package.
Note that the `updater` bundle is not automatically added so you must specify it if the updater is enabled.
[possible values: deb, rpm, appimage, updater]
-c, --config <CONFIG>
JSON string or path to JSON file to merge with tauri.conf.json
-f, --features [<FEATURES>...]
Space or comma separated list of features, should be the same features passed to `tauri build` if any
-t, --target <TARGET>
Target triple to build against.
It must be one of the values outputted by `$rustc --print target-list` or `universal-apple-darwin` for an universal macOS application.
Note that compiling an universal macOS application requires both `aarch64-apple-darwin` and `x86_64-apple-darwin` targets to be installed.
Skip prompting for values
[env: CI=true]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version


npm run tauri android
Android commands
Usage: tauri android [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
init Initialize Android target in the project
dev Run your app in development mode on Android
build Build your app in release mode for Android and generate APKs and AABs
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

android init

npm run tauri android init
Initialize Android target in the project
Usage: tauri android init [OPTIONS]
--ci Skip prompting for values [env: CI=true]
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
--skip-targets-install Skips installing rust toolchains via rustup
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

android dev

npm run tauri android dev
Run your app in development mode on Android with hot-reloading for the Rust code. It makes use of the `build.devUrl` property from your `tauri.conf.json` file. It also runs your `build.beforeDevCommand` which usually starts your frontend devServer.
Usage: tauri android dev [OPTIONS] [DEVICE]
Runs on the given device name
-f, --features [<FEATURES>...]
List of cargo features to activate
-v, --verbose...
Enables verbose logging
-e, --exit-on-panic
Exit on panic
-c, --config <CONFIG>
JSON string or path to JSON file to merge with tauri.conf.json
Run the code in release mode
Skip waiting for the frontend dev server to start before building the tauri application
Disable the file watcher
-o, --open
Open Android Studio instead of trying to run on a connected device
Force prompting for an IP to use to connect to the dev server on mobile
--host [<HOST>]
Use the public network address for the development server. If an actual address it provided, it is used instead of prompting to pick one.
This option is particularly useful along the `--open` flag when you intend on running on a physical device.
This replaces the devUrl configuration value to match the public network address host, it is your responsibility to set up your development server to listen on this address by using as host for instance.
When this is set or when running on an iOS device the CLI sets the `TAURI_DEV_HOST` environment variable so you can check this on your framework's configuration to expose the development server on the public network address.
Disable the built-in dev server for static files
--port <PORT>
Specify port for the built-in dev server for static files. Defaults to 1430
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version

android build

npm run tauri android build
Build your app in release mode for Android and generate APKs and AABs. It makes use of the `build.frontendDist` property from your `tauri.conf.json` file. It also runs your `build.beforeBuildCommand` which usually builds your frontend into `build.frontendDist`.
Usage: tauri android build [OPTIONS]
-d, --debug
Builds with the debug flag
-v, --verbose...
Enables verbose logging
-t, --target [<TARGETS>...]
Which targets to build (all by default)
[possible values: aarch64, armv7, i686, x86_64]
-f, --features [<FEATURES>...]
List of cargo features to activate
-c, --config <CONFIG>
JSON string or path to JSON file to merge with tauri.conf.json
Whether to split the APKs and AABs per ABIs
Build APKs
Build AABs
-o, --open
Open Android Studio
Skip prompting for values
[env: CI=true]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version


npm run tauri migrate
Migrate from v1 to v2
Usage: tauri migrate [OPTIONS]
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


npm run tauri info
Show a concise list of information about the environment, Rust, Node.js and their versions as well as a few relevant project configurations
Usage: tauri info [OPTIONS]
--interactive Interactive mode to apply automatic fixes
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


npm run tauri add
Add a tauri plugin to the project
Usage: tauri add [OPTIONS] <PLUGIN>
<PLUGIN> The plugin to add
-t, --tag <TAG> Git tag to use
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-r, --rev <REV> Git rev to use
-b, --branch <BRANCH> Git branch to use
--no-fmt Don't format code with rustfmt
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


npm run tauri plugin
Manage or create Tauri plugins
Usage: tauri plugin [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
new Initializes a new Tauri plugin project
init Initialize a Tauri plugin project on an existing directory
android Manage the Android project for a Tauri plugin
ios Manage the iOS project for a Tauri plugin
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

plugin new

npm run tauri plugin new
Initializes a new Tauri plugin project
Usage: tauri plugin new [OPTIONS] <PLUGIN_NAME>
Name of your Tauri plugin
Initializes a Tauri plugin without the TypeScript API
-v, --verbose...
Enables verbose logging
Initialize without an example project
-d, --directory <DIRECTORY>
Set target directory for init
-a, --author <AUTHOR>
Author name
Whether to initialize an Android project for the plugin
Whether to initialize an iOS project for the plugin
Whether to initialize Android and iOS projects for the plugin
--ios-framework <IOS_FRAMEWORK>
Type of framework to use for the iOS project
[default: spm]
Possible values:
- spm: Swift Package Manager project
- xcode: Xcode project
Generate github workflows
-t, --tauri-path <TAURI_PATH>
Path of the Tauri project to use (relative to the cwd)
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version

plugin init

npm run tauri plugin init
Initialize a Tauri plugin project on an existing directory
Usage: tauri plugin init [OPTIONS] [PLUGIN_NAME]
Name of your Tauri plugin. If not specified, it will be inferred from the current directory
Initializes a Tauri plugin without the TypeScript API
-v, --verbose...
Enables verbose logging
Initialize without an example project
-d, --directory <DIRECTORY>
Set target directory for init
[default: /opt/build/repo/packages/cli-generator]
-a, --author <AUTHOR>
Author name
Whether to initialize an Android project for the plugin
Whether to initialize an iOS project for the plugin
Whether to initialize Android and iOS projects for the plugin
--ios-framework <IOS_FRAMEWORK>
Type of framework to use for the iOS project
[default: spm]
Possible values:
- spm: Swift Package Manager project
- xcode: Xcode project
Generate github workflows
-t, --tauri-path <TAURI_PATH>
Path of the Tauri project to use (relative to the cwd)
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version

plugin android

npm run tauri plugin android
Manage the Android project for a Tauri plugin
Usage: tauri plugin android [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
init Initializes the Android project for an existing Tauri plugin
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
plugin android init
npm run tauri plugin android init
Initializes the Android project for an existing Tauri plugin
Usage: tauri plugin android init [OPTIONS] [PLUGIN_NAME]
[PLUGIN_NAME] Name of your Tauri plugin. Must match the current plugin's name. If not specified, it will be inferred from the current directory
-o, --out-dir <OUT_DIR> The output directory [default: /opt/build/repo/packages/cli-generator]
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

plugin ios

npm run tauri plugin ios
Manage the iOS project for a Tauri plugin
Usage: tauri plugin ios [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
init Initializes the iOS project for an existing Tauri plugin
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
plugin ios init
npm run tauri plugin ios init
Initializes the iOS project for an existing Tauri plugin
Usage: tauri plugin ios init [OPTIONS] [PLUGIN_NAME]
Name of your Tauri plugin. Must match the current plugin's name. If not specified, it will be inferred from the current directory
-o, --out-dir <OUT_DIR>
The output directory
[default: /opt/build/repo/packages/cli-generator]
-v, --verbose...
Enables verbose logging
--ios-framework <IOS_FRAMEWORK>
Type of framework to use for the iOS project
[default: spm]
Possible values:
- spm: Swift Package Manager project
- xcode: Xcode project
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version


npm run tauri icon
Generate various icons for all major platforms
Usage: tauri icon [OPTIONS] [INPUT]
[INPUT] Path to the source icon (squared PNG or SVG file with transparency) [default: ./app-icon.png]
-o, --output <OUTPUT> Output directory. Default: 'icons' directory next to the tauri.conf.json file
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-p, --png <PNG> Custom PNG icon sizes to generate. When set, the default icons are not generated
--ios-color <IOS_COLOR> The background color of the iOS icon - string as defined in the W3C's CSS Color Module Level 4 <> [default: #fff]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


npm run tauri signer
Generate signing keys for Tauri updater or sign files
Usage: tauri signer [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
sign Sign a file
generate Generate a new signing key to sign files
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

signer sign

npm run tauri signer sign
Sign a file
Usage: tauri signer sign [OPTIONS] <FILE>
<FILE> Sign the specified file
-k, --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY>
Load the private key from a string [env: TAURI_PRIVATE_KEY=]
-v, --verbose...
Enables verbose logging
-f, --private-key-path <PRIVATE_KEY_PATH>
Load the private key from a file [env: TAURI_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=]
-p, --password <PASSWORD>
Set private key password when signing [env: TAURI_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD=]
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version

signer generate

npm run tauri signer generate
Generate a new signing key to sign files
Usage: tauri signer generate [OPTIONS]
-p, --password <PASSWORD> Set private key password when signing
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-w, --write-keys <WRITE_KEYS> Write private key to a file
-f, --force Overwrite private key even if it exists on the specified path
--ci Skip prompting for values [env: CI=true]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


npm run tauri completions
Generate Tauri CLI shell completions for Bash, Zsh, PowerShell or Fish
Usage: tauri completions [OPTIONS] --shell <SHELL>
-s, --shell <SHELL> Shell to generate a completion script for. [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-o, --output <OUTPUT> Output file for the shell completions. By default the completions are printed to stdout
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


npm run tauri permission
Manage or create permissions for your app or plugin
Usage: tauri permission [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
new Create a new permission file
add Add a permission to capabilities
rm Remove a permission file, and its reference from any capability
ls List permissions available to your application
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

permission new

npm run tauri permission new
Create a new permission file
Usage: tauri permission new [OPTIONS] [IDENTIFIER]
[IDENTIFIER] Permission identifier
--description <DESCRIPTION> Permission description
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-a, --allow <ALLOW> List of commands to allow
-d, --deny <DENY> List of commands to deny
--format <FORMAT> Output file format [default: json] [possible values: json, toml]
-o, --out <OUT> The output file
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

permission add

npm run tauri permission add
Add a permission to capabilities
Usage: tauri permission add [OPTIONS] <IDENTIFIER> [CAPABILITY]
<IDENTIFIER> Permission to add
[CAPABILITY] Capability to add the permission to
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

permission rm

npm run tauri permission rm
Remove a permission file, and its reference from any capability
Usage: tauri permission rm [OPTIONS] <IDENTIFIER>
<IDENTIFIER> Permission to remove
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

permission ls

npm run tauri permission ls
List permissions available to your application
Usage: tauri permission ls [OPTIONS] [PLUGIN]
[PLUGIN] Name of the plugin to list permissions
-f, --filter <FILTER> Permission identifier filter
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


npm run tauri capability
Manage or create capabilities for your app
Usage: tauri capability [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
new Create a new permission file
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

capability new

npm run tauri capability new
Create a new permission file
Usage: tauri capability new [OPTIONS] [IDENTIFIER]
[IDENTIFIER] Capability identifier
--description <DESCRIPTION> Capability description
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
--windows <WINDOWS> Capability windows
--permission <PERMISSION> Capability permissions
--format <FORMAT> Output file format [default: json] [possible values: json, toml]
-o, --out <OUT> The output file
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


npm run tauri inspect
Manage or create permissions for your app or plugin
Usage: tauri inspect [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
wix-upgrade-code Print the default Upgrade Code used by MSI installer derived from productName
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

inspect wix-upgrade-code

npm run tauri inspect wix-upgrade-code
Print the default Upgrade Code used by MSI installer derived from productName
Usage: tauri inspect wix-upgrade-code [OPTIONS]
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

© 2024 Tauri Contributors. CC-BY / MIT